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21 October 2013

gearing up for NaNoWriMo

I'm all up in my story planning. Pretty much everything you say to me right now becomes fodder for my writing-imagination.

Government shutdown? Inspiration.
Torn map? Inspiration.
Riverbed drying up post-monsoon? Inspiration.
Rubenesque beauty in a mini-skirt walking across the road? Inspiration.
Music playing somewhere? Inspiration.

On Saturday, Jane's Addiction inspired a character - complete with story arc - and filled out the missing piece of another character's story. The real key was part of a conversation sparked by this song, in which Someone Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous described the song thusly: "it's a form of protest, but with nothing redeemable about it. It's totally selfish - just a big Fuck Your Order." 'Anonymous was smiling and energized; there was nothing derogatory in that statement - it was a compliment.

That's the kind of energy I've got going on these days.
And if I'm not writing here so much, it's only because my creative focus is my novel, and NaNoWriMo.

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