Early mornings and fast hikes are worth it, when you’re
rewarded with a two-hour gorilla play session on the side of an inactive
volcano. That pretty much sums up my day yesterday.
What, you mean there’s more to this journal?
Ok, so here’s the details:
Chelsea, Amanda, Aya, and I were ready to go by 0600 this
morning. Chelsea and I lucked out (in my opinion) and got picked to go to
Titus’ group. Pretty exciting – even though Titus has passed on, he was
something of a hero of mine, and getting to observe the group that is still
named for him was pretty awesome. Theodette, one of the Karisoke research
assistants, took us and Prof Dieter up to Titus’ group. It was a pretty fast
hike up to the buffalo wall, which wore both Chelsea and I out, but seeing the
gorillas breathed the life back into us. Theodette had to concentrate on doing
her observations, but another tracker (whose name I can’t even begin to spell,
unfortunately) spent the time with us and helped us to identify individuals.
Most notably, we were able to watch two juveniles, named Fat (8 year old
female) and Segasera (6 year old male; not sure I spelled that right, and he
was called “Seg” for short). They spent around two hours playing, with a brief
– maybe 20 minute – nap in the middle.
Their play vocalizations were practically constant. In other
species, Chelsea and I have been noting vocalizations during play, and we
really haven’t heard a whole lot. For gorillas, we had to scrap trying to count
vocalizations because it never actually stopped. We would have had to count the
entire session as one long vocalization, which doesn’t make sense. So instead,
we noted the vocalizations as constant, and counted chest beats – another
communicative noise – instead. And actually, “chest beats” is something of a
misnomer because when it’s a play invitation, they beat the tops of their
bellies, not their chests. We noticed Fat doing that, and asked the tracker if
she did it that way because she was female (remembering that only males have
the anatomy to really make that chest beat ‘pop’ sound). He said they all did
it that way when it was a play chest beat. Sure enough, we later noticed Seg
doing that, too. Thinking about how much they vocalize, and why that’s not the
case with other species, went hand-in-hand with the realization that their play
is almost entirely focused on social dominance. Along those two lines, I
wondered if they were able to focus on their social relationships because they
didn’t have to worry about learning to fight or evade predators; and if their
prominent noise-making was also due to a lack of predators. Hmm.
Oh, and I got slapped by a gorilla. Seg. So did Chelsea. He
was testing to see if we would play, too, I think.
Best Day Ever. (Yet.)
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