Ah, the silverback has emerged. (Good morning Professor
Steklis, adult male.) Oh the coffee’s being poured through the strainer. Also
There was a period of time this morning, say 0510-0520ish,
during which everything was silent. There was no noise. No birds, no insects,
no nothing. It might have been the end of the world. Sara’s pretty sure it was.
I think if it were, that would have meant that I slept through Armageddon. Very
No really.
Definitely going to be time for some Aleve soon.
Com’ooooooooooooooooon breakfast! Any time now, really. I wonder if I use that
word too much. Maybe. Or maybe it’s a coincidence that it just happened twice
in two sentences. Well, two fragments, anyway. Whatever. Man if only I could
just type all day while we were doing stuff, I could actually capture
everything that’s happening. That would be cool. My fingers would get a
workout. I’d probably drop the laptop a few times. Maybe that’s not a good
idea. Still, it would be cool if it were possible. Just because it would be
cool to be able to capture everything. I know there are things I forget, even
when I take notes all day.
Ok, still waiting for breakfast. Time for the cards. Or I’ll
get caught up in daily activities and never get around to the cards.
Fire Dragon
A lot of raw energy, maybe aggression, is brewing and needs
to be controlled. It could also be the vital energy of youth, which is
destructive when misguided. It needs to be harnessed, not allowed to become
destructive. That’s the causal dynamic. The social manifestation is feminine
energy that should be used for nurturing, but maybe is being squandered. The
resulting manifestation, which will be positive if the fire dragon is harnessed
and the cow is allowed to nurture, is a great lesson in learning, in social
accountability and the language of the group. If this is a negative lesson, the
Raven is a prophet of the destruction which comes before new life. (Based on
the preceding cards, I’d say that this isn’t a good time for destructive cycles
– take that as a warning.)
Hmm. And with that, I’m getting dressed. All the tent-mates
are awake now, so I won’t disturb anyone by doing so. And breakfast still isn’t
ready. Perfect timing.
Today is my mother's birthday. She's 59. Shhhhh! Don't tell her I told!
I borrowed phone minutes from Sara so I could call Mom.
I borrowed phone minutes from Sara so I could call Mom.
Gratutious Vervet Play!
Ooooo, oooo!! You drew the Cow AND the Raven for ME...'member?? :-D And my my, this sounds like an Aleve-filled trip! :( Sorry the transportin' over there is un-back-and-vertigo-friendly...